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What is wholesale business?

Located between the manufacturer and the retail business, we purchase products from the manufacturer and provide the products to the retail business. It is also called an intermediate distribution business / wholesaler.
You may ask, “isn't it possible for consumers to get cheaper products by transporting products directly from manufacturers to retailers?” In reality, some retailers do operate this way (without intermediate margin), but not all retailers can afford such a business model. If there is no food wholesale business

Without a food wholesale business
Without a food wholesale business

If there is no food wholesale business

Without wholesalers, manufacturers must deliver their products to a huge number of retail stores nationwide, which imposes a heavy work burden due to distribution costs and orders. On the other hand, retailers also have to place orders and receive goods from a large number of manufacturers, which increases workloads.
In addition, although manufacturers want to deliver goods in a certain amount, retailers may not want to purchase and store them all at once, creating a rift between manufacturers and retailers.

Existence of a food wholesale business
Existence of a food wholesale business

If you have a food wholesale business

On the other hand, a wholesaler purchases and store products in large quantities on behalf of the retail business, and delivers the desired quantities to the retail business when needed. By doing so, we are working to reduce the cost of distribution as a whole and the burden of work such as ordering, and we are filling the gap between manufacturers who want to deliver in bulk and retailers who cannot purchase and store in bulk.
In addition, the wholesale business handles a huge number of products from manufacturers nationwide, and its job is to propose valuable products. Accordingly, a major feature of wholesale business is that it can provide a lot of fun and excitement to retailers and the dining table of consumers.