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"Reliable wholesaler" evolves to a new meaning

Fulfill the mission of a local wholesaler

President and CEO Takahisa Takeuchi

President and CEO
Takahisa Takeuchi

In 2020, while being affected by the novel coronavirus infection, Asahi Shokuhin has been working diligently in its mission to protect its “food infrastructure (food logistics service)”. In order to ensure the safety of our customers and colleagues, our management team and field staff are sharing their wisdom, and continuing our business with ingenuity. Despite the harsh experience, it was also a valuable reminder for us that we are essential workers in society.

In addition, because of COVID-19, we became keenly aware that "regional wholesalers" like us are becoming increasingly necessary. Over the past few years, as major distribution companies have withdrawn from rural areas, we must not only ensure food abundance, but also utilize local ingredients and products to promote “Sixth industrialization” *. "Local production for local consumption / local production for foreign trade" has become an important job for local wholesalers. We think a "reliable wholesaler" not only acts as a traditional wholesaler, but also creates local industries and places to work on the food industry with various parties.

With the aim of shifting to such an "upstream", we have established the "Asahi Monozukuri (Production) Research Institute" to further strengthen our product development functions. We will raise our level of manufacturing rooted in local resources such as ingredients and grow this institute as the "core" of our collaboration with producers and manufacturers.

*Sixth industrialization
The Sixth industrialization is a concept which is meant to comprehensively and integrally promote agriculture, forestry, and fisheries as primary industry, the manufacturing industry as secondary industry, and the retail business as tertiary industry, and to generate new added value utilizing regional resources

Creating a new format

In dealing with the coronavirus, we were reminded that Asahi Shokuhin’s fields of activity are diverse, and that the business situation varies greatly depending on the area and business format. Naturally, it is necessary to devise business strategies according to the characteristics of each area and business format. For example, in the Tokyo metropolitan area, retail sales are steadily increasing, while sales in other areas continue to be sluggish. The same strategy would not work between these two areas.

Like many wholesalers, we can say that we are still fixated on the business format of the economic growth period of Japan. With a clear sense of purpose, it is necessary to create individual formats suitable for each area and business condition.

In this sense, COVID-19 was a valuable experience in starting new initiatives within industries like fresh food and online shopping. Perhaps for the foreseeable future, we must carry out business activities under anti-viral restrictions, but we will also have the opportunity to inspect, devise and innovate our business format. In 2020, we faced unexpected difficulties, but we are confident that it is also possible to learn from this crisis and be empowered by it. The medium-term management plan "NEXTAGE 100" has been moving forward step-by-step during this period. We look forward to your continued patronage and guidance.