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Logistics function

Optimizing wholesale logistics functions as the "core" of the supply chain and providing efficient services

The entire company is working as one to realize safe, secure, high-quality and sustainable logistics services utilizing Asahi Shokuhin's 57 bases and the Tomosia Holdings Group's nationwide network, with the aim of "building optimal logistics functions for customers, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day by integrating commercial distribution, logistics, and information distribution."

Promoting the implementation of logistics operation systems
to improve logistics quality

To improve the efficiency and quality of receipt and shipment work, based on a company-wide unified "logistics computer" that is linked to the core system, we installed a system which is flexible to meet the diverse needs of our customers, such as shipping systems with picking carts and wearable terminals. At the dedicated center, we are building a mechanism to contribute to the optimization of customer store operations.

  • Promoting the implementation of logistics operation systems
  • Promoting the implementation of logistics operation systems
  • Promoting the implementation of logistics operation systems
  • Promoting the implementation of logistics operation systems

We respond to all logistics needs of our customers,
such as co-delivery centers and procurement logistics.

Utilizing our experience in logistics and our nationwide distribution network, we propose efficient co-delivery center management and operation to our customers, as well as procurement logistics from manufacturers. For example, it is possible to improve bottlenecks such as free arrival time at the contracted co-delivery center by coordinating with procurement logistics and proposing the optimum arrival time.

  • We respond to all logistics needs of our customers
  • We respond to all logistics needs of our customers

Consolidated centers in northern
Osaka and opened a large distribution center

Osaka First Center

Osaka First Center

The "Osaka First Center," which was opened in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture in April 2020, has integrated the "Osaka North Center" and "Nishiawaji Center," which previously covered northern Osaka. Located in a distribution complex (North-Osaka Truck Terminal) near highways and major trunk roads, we will strengthen logistics functions in the Kinki area by locating a base at this facility, which is a transportation hub.

With a total floor area (20,725㎡) and a storage capacity (approximately 290,000 cases), the Osaka First Center handles food, confectioneries, and liquor, with approximately 35,000 cases per day. We deliver about 100,000 pieces in cases and bulk, and use wearable systems and weighing picking carts to improve the efficiency and quality of logistics operations and delivery to meet the needs of our customers.